
  • Rushinek Strategy Ltd (Rushinek) has been commissioned by SciPlay Games, LLC (SciPlay) to provide a survey for players of Quick Hit Slots (the Game).
  • Personal data privacy is of the utmost importance to Rushinek.
  • The below Privacy Policy covers how we collect, use, transfer, and store personal data captured in your interaction with Rushinek, how Rushinek will do this and how Rushinek will protect your anonymity when you provide your views in response to the survey which are you being invite to respond.
  • If anything is unclear, or if you have any questions relating to how Rushinek protects your personal information, please use the Contact Information section below.

                         If you provide a response to the survey, Rushinek:

  • Will collect your personal data ;
  • Process your personal data fairly;
  • Keep and use your personal data only regarding the survey;
  • Keep your personal data secure, accurate, up-to-date and complete;
  • Hold the minimum amount of personal data required and for as long as required; and
  • Promptly address any requests you make to access, correction, or deletion of your personal data from Rushinek’s records.


  • Complies with the relevant data protection legislation, including but not limited to the EU General Data Protection Regulation 2016 and the California Consumer Privacy Act;
  • When conducting the survey, acts as a data processor on behalf of SciPlay;
  • Communicates privacy guidelines to Rushinek employees;
  • Strictly enforces privacy safeguard within Rushinek, including but not limited to training on data protection topics and confidentiality agreements with employees; and
  • Regularly reviews data privacy governance measures.

                         What Personal Data Does Rushinek Collects About You?

  • Personal data provided by SciPlay (only applicable if Rushinek uses a pre-populated survey link): To allow Rushinek to invite you to participate in the survey, SciPlay provides us with your player ID, email address and information about your in-game spend behaviour.
  • Collected via the survey: Rushinek may ask you to provide some personal data via the survey itself, such as age group, gender, and US State of residence.
  • Your views: The survey will collect your views by asking to you to respond to statements and questions via a mix of tick boxes and open text. Note that Rushinek does not collect personal data from any other source other than SciPlay (the data controller) and you.


  • Rushinek confirms that the survey website does not require the use of cookies (small text files containing a string of alphanumeric characters that a company may put onto your computer) or other similar tracking technologies (like web beacons, tags and scripts).

                         How Rushinek Uses your Data and Anonymity
                         The information collected and held by Rushinek:

  • Is only for the purposes of the survey contract with have with SciPlay;
  • To allow us to capture your views;
  • To allow us to report to SciPlay on your views: Note that Rushinek will not report your views in any way that allows you to be personally identified by SciPlay. Protecting your anonymity is an important part of our service;
  • Is only used to allow Rushinek to ensure your personal views are analysed and aggregated properly to allow accurate reporting;
  • Is repeated verbatim in any report, where provided in the form of comments / free text: If providing comments, consider whether you can be personally identified by such comments and make necessary adjustments;
  • [May be compared with the results of other surveys conducted by Rushinek for other organisations using Rushinek’s surveys. The analysis is known as “benchmarking”. Your personal data will not be included in the benchmark group and SciPlay’s survey results will be anonymous within the benchmark group. The benchmark results will not disclose the identity of SciPlay];
  • Will not be used by Rushinek for any purpose except to invite you to participate in the survey, support your participation in the survey and provide anonymous aggregated reporting to SciPlay; and
  • Will never be used for marketing purposes or sold to third parties.

                         Data Security
                         Rushinek confirms that it:

  • Holds important and confidential information securely;
  • Has an established culture of data security;
  • Takes steps to minimise risks and data breaches;
  • Maintains robust business continuity and disaster recovery plans, which forms the foundation from which Rushinek manages the security of its systems, staff and processes;
  • All of your personal data is held privately and confidentially;
  • Takes all reasonable steps to ensure that your personal data is handled securely and in accordance with this Privacy Policy; and
  • Follows generally accepted standards to protect the personal data submitted to Rushinek, both during transmission and once received: Note that transmitting information over the Internet is never completely secure and although Rushinek does its best, it cannot guarantee that your personal information is secure in all situations. If you have any concerns about misuse of your personal data, please use the Contact Information below.


  • Retains the personal data until reporting to SciPlay has been completed; and
  • Reviews with SciPlay (as data controller) the retention of such personal data on a periodic basis.

                         Data Access

  • You may request a copy of the personal data Rushinek holds about you on behalf of SciPlay (as data controller).
  • You can request that any incorrect personal data held by Rushinek be amended.
  • You can ask for your communication preference to be updated at any time.
  • All requests under this section should be made using the Contact Information below and will be processed by Rushinek subject to the relevant data protection legislation.

                         reserves the right to make changes to this Privacy Policy
                         and will post  changes on this website no less than thirty (30) days
                         before they come into effect.

                         Contact Information
All queries about this Privacy Policy should be sent by email to